Affiliates and Initiatives

ISBA partners with affiliate researcher communities and working groups to support education, community-building, and research in biomolecular archaeology.

If you would like your community to become an affiliate of ISBA, please see the instructions here.

For a list of ISBA funded or supported events and other contributions for the affiliate groups, please see here.


Standards, Precautions, and Advances in Ancient Metagenomics (SPAAM) Community: a community of researchers focusing on ancient metagenomics. SPAAM supports open science initiatives to find solutions to common challenges and obstacles in the field. SPAAM sponsors collaborative projects, summer schools, a Slack channel, and a yearly workshop. Find out more here.

Palaeoproteomics And Archaeology, Society for Techniques and Advances (PAASTA) Community: An ECR-led community of researchers working with palaeoproteomics, the study of ancient proteins. An open and supportive environment committed to promoting and facilitating collaborative and open science! Find out more here.

Human Ancient DNA, Ancestry, and Mobility (HAAM) Community: an open community of international researchers interested in studying human population genetics, ancestry & mobility through ancient/modern DNA. HAAM plans to find common solutions to small and big challenges encountered worldwide, plan summer schools, and promote collaborative projects. Find out more here.

Lipid Analysis for Archaeological Research Development (LAARD) Community: a community of international researchers focused on the analysis of ancient lipids resulting from human activities. LAARD’s goal is to cultivate spaces for open and cooperative science to overcome common challenges in the field. Find out more here.


MINAS Working Group: an initiative to develop a MIxS extension checklist designed specifically for ancient metagenomics, as well as collaborating with a working group in ancient human population genetics to develop a more general checklist for ancient DNA, provisionally called the ‘MInAS’ checklist (Minimum INformation about Ancient Sequences’).

Current Issues in Ancient DNA Research (CIADR): an international group of researchers who are practitioners of ancient DNA research. The CIADR group convenes virtually several times a year in order to discuss pertinent issues in ancient DNA research and strengthen bonds across the research community. For more information contact the CIADR organizers: Lara CAssidy (, Mateja Hajdinjak (, Kendra Sirak (, Viviane Slon (